Sunday, February 04, 2007
opium fumes

Last week I was thinking about how
religion keeps an individual sane. It's a very atheist approach. Ever since I started theology, I seem to be asking the "wrong questions". I occasionally have these atheist attacks after Mother Yecles' sermons.
Our book describes two ways of asking questions regarding Christian faith; there are the "wrong questions" and the "right questions". Can I just point out that that was the dumbest thing I've ever read from a religion book. It describes the wrong ones as those questions which seek to destroy the faith, alternatively, the right questions are described as those that seek to enrich our faith.
People don't think about what kind of questions they should ask when they want to know something better.

You see, being alone will eventually drive a person crazy. What better thought to keep them happy?
It's believing that someone out there created them who continues to recognize their existence that would keep them in one piece.
When someone stops believing, that's when tragedy comes in. People are finding excuses and things to hold on to when they're in deep shit.
Sorry for the very Karl Marxish viewpoint. Our book makes me ponder on such things.
Remembering my high school days.. It's not the first time.

alone at 10:15 AM
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