Sunday, January 14, 2007

CNN's Talk Asia was showing during lunch time and it attracted my attention because it had former first lady Imelda Marcos being interviewed. Why should anyone bother to interview Imelda Marcos? Anyway, the interview covered topics such as current poverty in the Philippines, her political life, her shoes and beauty. Yes, Beauty. That's what really annoyed me. She spoke in a profound kind of way that's so pathetic. She came up with her own sayings which didn't even make sense just a bit. Some of her replies: (not exact words)

On poverty:
IM: NO! There's no poverty at all in the Philippines. It's all the work of the media.
On beauty:
IM: I live beauty. Everything in life is all about being beautiful. (then talks about how her shoes contribute to her beauty)
On power:
IM: It's like a gun with 1000 bullets, when you fire one shot, then you only have 999 bullets remaining.... ;o (ahhh...)

God, there are so many of them.

Perfect example of a neurological disorder.
What a shit. She makes me want to become an activist.

alone at 6:25 PM
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